Into the batmobile...
Past roasting chestnuts...
To the pond...
There may be no skating this year...
The man has been foiled...
He takes the Road to Joy home...
And paints lights along the way...
Tomorrow he'll look to the stirring fields.
For there's no snow this year.
Thats every year in Florida.
ozy - I expect that in Florida. But I'll be genuinely pissed if the pond doesn't freeze at all here.
gel - Thanks. There's historically a 50/50 chance (says Cornell University's Northeast Regional Climate Center) for a white christmas here. I've heard there's some sort of EL Nino in the Pacific. RIDICULOUS!
Not sure what it's like in the Emerald City...
Nice pictures man. Looks like a lot of fun, snow or no snow! Have a wonderful New Year and happy holidays!
gel - That place doesn't sound half bad, then.
sz - Aye! Fun was had anyway, mate. Best wishes for the New Year to you, too!
that chest makes you alive for me, man. and i hope that despite the lack of snow, the hols were good to you. happy 2007. xx.
My headless, one-footed friend, glad to know you've had fun during the holidays albeit without snow (Goodness, I've never even touched the cold white; I'll go bury my head in the sand now -- plenty of that here anyway. Nyahaha.) Cheers!
{illyria} - It's true, woman. I'm a real boy!
Thank you for the thought. Warmest wishes for the New Year.
_soulless_ - Headless and one-footed... That's me! I also live under a bridge and eat live goats. But enough about me.
Snow is a lot nicer to look at than touch, anyway.
And a Happy New Year to you!
do something pretty while you can
don't fall asleep
skating a pirouette on ice is cool
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